Junior Computer

Science Engineer

Full-Stack developer, ambitious about learning new things and joining new adventures

About me


Looking for new experiences


10 Projects


Full-stack developer

Want to work with a well-experienced developer?

With more than 2 years of experience in web/mobile development on two sides front-end and back-end.
I mainly work with different technologies, in most cases with Laravel/livewire or Spring-boot/reacts, also I am a fast learner I give all my time to learn new things and sharpen my skills to become more professional in my work.

my skills


Good experience in front-end design

  • Html5 / Css3
  • JavaScript
  • TailwindCss / Bootstrap
  • ReactJs / React Native
  • ThreeJs


Good experience in Backend frameworks

  • Php
  • Laravel
  • SpringBoot
  • Java
  • Python


Using organisation and dev tolls like

  • VS Code
  • Github
  • Trello


Good experience in using adobe tolls

  • Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe XD


3D Bin Packing ( Problem Solving + Three.js)

Problem Solving, JavaScript, Three.js

Project description

During this project, I made an application that solves the 3D bin packing problem using javascript and interpreting the results using Three.js.

Clean App - Manage cleaning services

React native, JavaScript, Spring-boot

Project description

The main idea of this application is to manage the persons that offer mobile cleaning services.

Responsive React Movies App With API

ReactJs, themobiedb api

Project description

During this project, I designed a movie app by consuming an API using reactJs.

Laravel Livewire & TailwindCSS ( car-rent )

Laravel, Livewire, TailwindCSS

Project description

The main idea of this project is to create a platform where the users can rent their face to face.

Laravel Livewire & TailwindCSS ( art-certif )

Laravel, Livewire, TailwindCSS

Project description

This project is about certification of arts, where the users ask or search for certif of their own arts.

Contact me